Robert Zoellick, a Világbank első embere a CNBC-nek adott interjújában az inflációról is beszélt:
"CNBC: Let me ask you about the issues that you're dealing with on the food side. Of course, we've seen such demand and a food shortage. Where are we on that front when looking at the world today?
ZOELLICK: Food prices are about 50 percent higher than they were a year ago. They've come down a little bit or stabilized over this quarter. But the risk is that the stocks for most of the grains, particularly wheat and corn, are very, very low, at least by historic terms. That means if you get some weather shock or other event, you could have an increase in price spikes again. That's a reason that this G-20 ag (agriculture) ministers meeting that I'll be attending in France is trying to focus on how to deal with the most vulnerable countries and people to try to recognize volatility will be part of the future, but how do we try to create some insurance for those that are in the weakest position?
CNBC: Who is getting hurt the most from the spike that we've seen in prices?
ZOELLICK: It's always the most vulnerable. It's the people that are either low income, countries some of the Middle Eastern countries that have been big wheat importers. Rice market has been a little bit better than wheat and corn or maize. And so this is why, at a minimum, you need to try to limit policies that exacerbate a problem. For example, these export bans that just add to a sense of crisis. And one of the things we've been pushing at this upcoming meeting is to, at a minimum, have an exemption for some of the humanitarian purchasers, such as the World Food Program. "
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